Episode 3 - FinOps

Welcome to episode 3: FinOps

In this episode we embark on an a journey into the world of FinOps, exploring the captivating realm of cloud computing and wild costs.

To kick things off, we take a wild ride through a brief and somewhat inaccurate history of how we ended up with AWS. Hold on tight as we dive deep into the mysteries surrounding the exorbitant costs associated with technology - why that trusty computer sitting under your desk pales in comparison to the seemingly inexpensive cloud? Is the cloud [truly a bargain()], or is there more than meets the eye? To kick things off, we take a wild ride through a brief and somewhat inaccurate history of how we ended up with AWS.

Hold on tight as we dive deep into the mysteries surrounding the exorbitant costs associated with technology - why that trusty computer sitting under your desk pales in comparison to the seemingly inexpensive cloud? Is the cloud truly a bargain, or is there more than meets the eye?

We venture further, examining why cloud compute is expensive compared to on-premises solutions. Gone are the days of enduring the agonizing wait of weeks for a new computer, only to have a catastrophic disk failure in another corner of the data center. Do any of us truly miss the days of managing our own data centers?

We then revisit into the intricacies of ownership and accountability and how it’s easy to not think too hard when you’re in the cloud - we’ve all been there, faced with a problem that seemed insurmountable until we simply “picked a bigger instance”. Yet, as we uncover the consequences, we realize how this decision can have a profound impact on costs by making only a simple, small change.

Finally we close with who exactly is responsible for solving this puzzle? Brace yourself for the unexpected, as it’s not just the developers who hold the key to unlocking success.

So sit back, relax, and prepare to be captivated by an exhilarating exploration of FinOps, cloud computing, and the secrets that lie beneath the surface.

This is the Everything Delivery podcast

In this podcast we will discuss anything and everything that helps deliver value to clients while maintaining a healthy and happy Organization.

You can find this podcast on: Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0hDIMNruStpK9aE9eHC7NZ
Apple podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/it/podcast/everything-delivery/id1680879029?l=en