Episode 6 - Shaun Anderson, Swift and Modernisation

Welcome to episode 6: Swift and Moderisation.

In this episode we talk with Shaun Anderson, creator of Swift and the executor of many modernisations.

Stick with us to hear a discussion on what constitutes a “modern system” and how teams have overcome modernization barriers using the Swift Method.

We talk about modern apps and modern systems, what’s the difference and why it matters. We’ll discuss each of the layers that complicates modernisation efforts and what you need to consider in each of them.

We move on to talk about how Swift makes a complex problem accessible to anyone that’s interested, through open discussion and asking ‘silly’ questions. We then move to discuss how Swift drives consensus and doesn’t force the issue of talking tech or fitting technologies to solutions prematurely.

We finish up talking about how you can run Swift throughout a delivery programme, how long it takes (hint, it’s not a long time), where it has worked and where Shaun has seen businesses fail to deliver on modernisation efforts because they’ve adopted suboptimal approaches.

You can find out more about Shaun and what we talked about in the following places:

Origin story of Swift
The Swift Website
Event Sourcing
Event Sourcing - Pros and Cons
The 3 Ks of the Apocalypse

In this podcast we will discuss anything and everything that helps deliver value to clients while maintaining a healthy and happy Organization.

You can find this podcast on: Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0hDIMNruStpK9aE9eHC7NZ
Apple podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/it/podcast/everything-delivery/id1680879029?l=en